Think. Talk. Do.

Ashley Johnson Cross
Chief Strategist & Trainer
Ashley Johnson Cross began her career with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services where she was solely responsible for the training and relationship management of corporate accounts headquartered in the state of Arkansas, such as Walmart, JB Hunt, & Tyson Foods. She is the current founder and CEO of The Big Consortium, a conglomerate of companies where "BIG," Bridging the Ideas Gap Training, was birthed. Cross' BIG personality lends to a non-traditional approach to training, leaving her audience wanting more. Her "Think. Talk. Do." method is changing the outcome of crucial conversations and making cultural shifts in corporate America. She is the author of "Fear Has Left the Building" and "Take the Pearls Off the Pig!" as well as "The ABC's of Leadership."
Consulting SERVICES
Think INSIDE the Box
Thinking OUTSIDE of the box is the creative phrase used to challenge the status quo, while inspiring creativity. However, most companies have an infrastructure that is built INSIDE the box. This dynamic training marries the creativity and innovation of outside the box thinking with the policies and procedures which often reside INSIDE the box.
Unconscious Bias is often the root cause of systemic disparities and cultural divides in the workplace. This powerful training facilitated by Ashley Johnson Cross is a highly requested series of crucial conversations which fosters awareness of ambiguous behaviors, while eradicating the corporate slumber of unconscious. This Diversity training is sure to shift the culture of your workplace.
Ability is in the eye of the beholder! This diversity training is a one of a kind eye opener, sharing the common myths and misconceptions of disabilities, as well as highlighting the magnificent abilities and talents of this well able qualified workforce.
Dive into Diversity!
Often a dip is a surface level conversation about diversity in the workplace or lack thereof. In the "Dive," Cross takes a diabolical look at diversity disparities and how companies and conglomerates can maintain and sustain a cutting-edge workplace environment by deploying the strategies of diversity! This is a series of crucial conversations coupled with exciting and engaging content.